Thursday, May 5, 2011

What do I, Truman Brown Robbins, want out of high school?
By: Truman Robbins
Date : the fifth day of the month of May of the year of two thousand and eleven, Cinco de Mayo!
                I am very excited to go to high school. It is going to be very fun to go to high school. I am very sick of middle school. Eastmont blows. That’s why Mr. Church left I’m guessing. Right now, I am planning on going to Jordan High School. It is going to be very fun. I know a lot of people that go there .
                During High School I hope to play a lot of sports and things like that and have lots of fun. The sport I will be playing for sure is lacrosse for the Jordan Lacrosse High School team. I am already on the JV team and my season is ending today. Today is my last game. I hope that next year that I will be able to get good enough to make the Varsity team. I am super excited to play lacrosse next year. . . .
                I also am planning on playing for the High School  Jordan Golf team. I am planning on getting better this summer and playing lots of golf so that I can make the golf team in the fall. I think that it will be very very fun to play on the Golf team. I am also planning on joining the chess team if I have time. I love o play chess and it would be fun to play chess for Jordan. I also am going to be in DECA. I did it this year and it was way fun. I liked it a lot .
                I hope that during high school I can get a lot of babes for girlfriends and be friends with all the fly honeys. I want to go to a lot of dances because it would be a blast! I love to dance, I am goping to try to go to every dance possible, especially the cheap ones. I am excited to be able to drive everywhere. It is miserable having to walk everywhere and beg my parents and people for rides. It will make so much things easier. It will be fun to drive to school everyday and leave for lunch and things like that.
                And I guess I want to get a good education so that I can get into a good college. I hope that I can get good grades or be good at something so that I can get a scholarship very easily. It will be awesome if I could get a scholarship.
                Basically, I am going to party every single day in High School. I AM GOING TO LIVE LIFE. Therefore, I am going to get a party out of High School.

Friday, April 29, 2011

500 Word Response

Interpretation of Humpty Dumpty:
Nursery Rhyme / Fairy Tale - Humpty Dumpty Fell off a wall.
Written By : Truman Robbins
Today’s Date : April Twenty - Eighth of the year of two thousand and eleven.
Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty fell off of a wall ,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall ,
All of the king’s horses and all of the king’s men ,
Could not put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
Story : He was running faster than he had ever run in his whole entire life. How could he be so stupid!? “Gosh dang it!” Humpty Dumpty said, gasping for air because he was running so hard. He had totally forgotten that there was an alarm on the building. He thought he had remembered every litte thing about the sotre he was breaking in to. He had gone over every tiny detail and had studies this for weeks. This plan took him so very long to make and come up with. He had spent so much time worrying about the small details that really wouldn’t have mattered instead of worrying about the important things. He had forgot the biggest most important detail there was, the alarm that went off.
                The plan that he had made for months was to break into the market owned by the richest family in the town. He was trying to steal the best salt and pepper in the world. If he could just have that salt and pepper he could be the best looking egg in the whole entire world. It was the fanciest salt and pepper ever made . If he could put that on himself he would be known forever and ever as the best looking  egg in history.
                Anyways, back to the present. Humpty Dumpty was cutting every corner he knew. He was going through every back door alleyway and every hidden place he knew of to get these gosh dang cops off of his back. He couldn’t lose them! There had to be at least six seven or eight on his tail. What was he going to do? He had never been in this much trouble in his whole entire life, this was not a very good situation. He had not ever think of coming up with an escape plan because he was sure he was going to get  the salt and pepper and get out of there with no trouble at all.
                He almost has run down every alleyway in the whole town, he was almost to the very edge of the town when he came upon a huge red brick wall. How was he going to get over it? “Pipes!” He yelled, There were pipes on the side of the brick wall. He started climbing up the brick wall. This was a hard climb. He finally got to the very top of the wall. He looked over the other side. Whoa! It was a 100 foot drop to the ground! Had he really climbed that long? He had no other chance but to jump. He could be in prison for life, or suicide. He chose suicide. “I’m taking the Salt and Pepper with me, if I can’t have it, nobody can!” He yelled in an evil voice. “ See you in hell suckers!” He screamed. And jumped. The police tried to put him back together but they couldn’t, they couldn’t put the salt and pepper back together either. It was over.

Friday, April 15, 2011

600 word response

The out rages in Libya
The Libyan civil war of 2011 is an ongoing armed conflict in the North African state of Libya again their leader Muammar Gaddafi’s 41 year old rule.  The protesters want Libya to call for new leadership and for new democratic elections. The situation began as a series of peaceful protests which Gaddafi’s security services attempted to confront and tried to stop them so people didn’t get any ideas and things didn’t happen. In less than a week, the uprising had spread across the country and Gaddafi could not control it. It was growing and going around very rapidly. Muammar Gaddafi could do nothing to stop it. He didn’t have any control of what the people were doing. He was pretty much out numbered. People hated him and they didn’t want to do what he did, he thought that everybody in his country loved him but they really did not. Because they hated him so much, they protested and caused a lot of outrages in Lybia against Muammar Gaddafi the president because they did not like him at all. All of the people that protested and started the up rages and things like that, wanted the president to not be in charge of their country anymore. He was a bad leader and did bad things. All of the protesters and people wanted him to resign from his job.
            All of the protesters and people that don’t want the president, Muammar Gaddafi, to be the president of their country anymore did things and they started a civil war in the country of Libya. The president has security and people fighting in the war for him to help him stay in control of the president of Libya.
             The first protest and confrontations and uprisings began on February 15 of the year of 2011. On the evening of February 15 in between five hundred and six hundred protesters and people against the President Muammar Guddafi were chanting slogans and had posters and things that were protesting the government. The protest took place in front of the Police Head Quarters in Benghazi Libya during the night. The protest was broken up by the police at the National Police Head Quarters. While they were breaking up the protest and trying to stop them there were about and around thirty eight people injured and harmed while they were fighting back. There were many different protests and things like that against them before the war started and to cause the staring of the war. The protest include when people were burning down the government’s buildings because they hated them so much. They burnt down police buildings and were hurting government officials.
            The terrible president of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, was mad at the people of Libya. He was mad at them for reporting on the incidents that were happening and that people were showing other countries and places about Libya and the Civil War protests that were going on. Because of this, he stopped all of the communication with the outside world and blocked it all. He shut off all of the internet sources and things like that, all of the phones and some of the traveling and all other communication sources. To all of the people that had already given information to the outside world and did that, he tried to arrest as many as possible that he could find. He even hurt and killed some of the people that gave information to the outside world and places like that.
            I think that this is very bad and that he should just resign and not be the president of Libya anymore.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Name - Truman R
Title of article – Ghost City symbolizes cost of nuclear disaster
Author – Unknown
Date – Unknown
                This article is about a city in the Soviet Union called Pripyat. In this now abandoned city, there was a terrible disaster that happened that caused everybody who lived there and many places around it to evacuate. Prpyat’s entire population of almost about 50,000 fled after Chernobyl’s No. 4 reactor exploded in a devil’s brew of caesium, strontium, iodine, and pluotonium on April 26, 1986.
                People who lived here said that it was the best city and place to live in in the whole Soviet Union. That is until the terrible nuclear explosion occurred forcing them all to leave without their things in an emergency evacuation. It is now just a ghost town and no humans live here. Some people go on tours and things for research here but they are very careful on making sure they don’t get radiation poisoning and washing everything off before they come back.
                I think that this would be terrible if it happened to you and you were forced to leave and barely have anything left. They are comparing this to the nuclear explosion that occurred in Japan after the tsunami and earthquake and saying that this story might happen in Japan all over again. I really hope that it doesn’t happen in Japan because that would be very sad and terrible.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Name: T – Dog
Title of Article – Doubts Rasied on Book’s Tale of the Atom Bomb
Author – Unknown
Date – Unknown
This article about the nuclear atom bomb is about a book that was written about the atom bomb and the day that it was dropped on Hiroshima.  The book  is called “The Last Train from Hiroshima”. It was published in January by Henry Holt. In the article it talks about how the person that wrote the back, Henry Holt, interviewed a person named Joseph Fuoco. In the book Joseph Fuoco was described as and said that he was a last minute substitute on one of the two observation planes that escorted the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the bomb. The two observation planes were supposed to record and take pictures of the bomb being dropped on Hiroshima and record the effects that the bomb had on Hiroshima. However, people are saying that Joseph Fuoco was an impostor and he wasn’t really on the plane.  There is a lot of evidence from the Corliss family and the person who was really on the plane.
                I think that it is interesting that he would say that he was on the plane when the really wasn’t. I think that he should fix his errors and admit to it and apologize so that he doesn’t mess up history. That is a very dumb thing to do.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Name: T – Dog
Title: God Said Multiply, and Did She Ever
Author: Unknown
Date: Unknown

                This article was about a lady named Yitta Schwarts . She was  a woman who survived the Holocaust. She died last month at the age of ninety three. She left behind 15 Children, more than 200 grandchildren and so many great and great great that she had at least two thousand descendants that are still living that she knew. She knew almost all of her descendants by name and was a very good mom, grandmother, great grandmother, and great  great grandmother. She went to every circumcisions, first haircut, bar mitzvahs, engagements and wedding of her descendents. It seems like she would be the best grandma you could ever get.
                She was born in 1916 in to a family of seven children including her. During world war 2 she was sent to a concentration camp with her family and kids and husband. She lost a few of her children in these concentration camps.
                This seems like a very fun family. I can kind of relate to this family. I have a little bit large family and it is very very fun. My family is always getting together for parties and things and it is a blast. I bet this family would be great to be in.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Name: T-Dog
Title: None
Author of article: Unknown
Author of Picture: Umida Akhmedova

                This article is about a photographer and publisher and documentary filmmaker named Umida Akhmedova. She was found guilty on Wednesday for insulting the Uzbek people by publishing a photo. The photo was of a boy laying on the ground in a house that was under fixing and improvement. She got charged by the government. The government said that she was making their country look bad and that it shows the bad parts of the country.
Her charges were waved and she did not get into trouble, but she may not be able to write for and do things in Uzbekistan.
I think it is very interesting that the people of Uzbek got offended by this. I think that it is retarded that they were mad and that the photographer got in trouble for taking the picture. I really dis agree with how they got mad at her and pressed charges and things like that. They should not have done that. I think that photographers and people should have the ability to write what they want and take pictures and say what they want. Uzbekistan should be like the U.S and they should have freedom of speech.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Truman Robbins
Snowboarding Article Response
No Author Listed
No Date Listed
                This article is talking about Alexa Loo. A canadian snowboarder that grew up nearby Richmond. It is not a biography however. It talks about the struggle and determination that she had in her life to compete in the Olympics. It also is talking about the two Kin brothers that came to Canada from China. They came to Canada from China with nothing at all. They had no money and knew and spoke no English. They had to borrow the money in order to buy their plane tickets.
                These 2 different stories and the people in them have something in common. They never gave up. They kept trying their hardest and they eventually got to where they wanted in life.
                Alexa Loo started snowboarding late at age 15 and she really enjoyedit. She entered in contests and was always trying to qualify for the Olympics but she tore a ligament and ruined her chances. But she never gave up and she made it into the Olympics.
                The 2 Kin brothers came here with nothing as I already said. They found work in Chinatown and began to learn English. They started their own business and they eventually became very very successful. The cool thing about them was that they never gave up and kept trying even know they had nothing.
                This article is very inspiring and shows that you can get what you want if you try and never give up.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Terrible Devastating Bad Tsunami In Japan
On the very very sad terrible day of March 11, 2011, The nine point zero under sea earthquake was a terrible thing that happened to Japan. It caused a devastating tsunami that killed many Japanese people. They were not that ready for the tsunami so it made things worse. They were all shaken up and hurt and scared by the earthquake so they didn’t see the tsunami coming and it hit them very hard.
            I think that it is very very sad all the things that are happening to the people in Japan. It has hurt many people and ruined many things there.  I think that it would be  an awful thing if the people in my family died. I would not know what to do if that ever happened to me. It would be a terrible thing to lose your loved ones and almost everything you own and your house and things. I would not be happy at all.
            Right after the tsunami happened I was planning on going to Hawaii. I was very scared that I was going to not be able to go to Hawaii with my family on a very fun vacation. I was scared that if I did go the there might be a little tsunami and everybody would get hurt. Lots of people were talking about the earthquake and tsunami and it scared me to go to Hawaii because every body was making a very big deal about it. My parents were scared of going because they thought that they would get radiation poisoning and all of us would get radiation poisoning but that was just my parents being their normal scared nervous selves and freaking everybody else out. We ended up going anyways and there were no problems. Nobody got radiation poisoning and nobody in Hawaii did. There were no small tsunamis and we had a great time anyways.
             I was also very scared for the people in California and on the west coast because there were rumors going around that they were going to be hurt bad and maybe a tsunami was going to hit them. Everybody was very scared and then they identified the plantation that got destroyed from the earthquake and tsunami that there was radiation poisoning and they might get affected from that.
            I am very glad that it didn’t hit Tokyo, the tsunami,  because that would be bad because of all the huge buildings there. It is still very bad that it hit Sendai and all of those Japanese countries but it would have been very much so bigger if it hit Tokyo and that area.
            According to Tōhoku Electricc Power , around 4.4 million households in northeastern Japan were left without electricity. It would be terrible to not have power for a very long time. I could not do so many things if I didn’t have power and if everything was destroyed. It is bad when the power goes out here for just a couple hours. I could not imagine being without power for that long. It is a terrible thought. The National Police Agency has officially confirmed 11, 362 deaths, 2872 injuries, and 16,290 people missing in Japan across 18 places. These numbers are expected to increase as the time goes on and as they keep finding bodies and things like that. To end, I would like to say that the U.S. should help the japanese because it is very bad there. I am sure that if something happened to us they would step up and help us out.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Photo Journalism

A. Sands of Kahana Beach
B. The mood of this picture is relaxing and soothing and fun.
C. I made this mood by taking a picture of the beach on a sunny day. The angle shows the ocean and beach from the condo.
D. I took this picture at my condo of the beach. It shows people relaxing at the beach and it shows the ocean and waves.

A. Sands of Kahana Pool
B. This picture is relaxing and fun and shows how beautiful Hawaii is.
C. I created the mood by taking the picture at the sunset time so that it looks very cool and relaxing. The angle also shows the cool blue pool.
D. I took this picture from my condo. It tells a story of people playing in the pool and shows the Sands of Kahana resort and the beautiful Hawaii.

A. DT Fleming Beach, Maui, Hawaii
B. This picture is bright and fun because it is the beach and shows the tide coming up onto the beach.
C. I created the mood by taking it at the right moment so that it gets the tide coming up on to the beach while another wave is on it's way down back to the ocean.
D. This picture tells the story of a day at the beach with lots of fun waves for surfing and boogie boarding.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hawaii Day 7

Today we went to DT Fleming beach. It is the best beach I have been to yet. The waves are sweet for surfing. THe waves are also sick for boogie boarding. We stayed there for a long time. It was the best day at the beach.

Hawaii day 6

Today we went to the beach at our condo and slept in late. We went surfing again and it was very fun. I got a lot better and it was more fun than the first day. Nothing else was too exciting about today.

Hawaii Day 5

Today we woke up early and drove the long way to Hana. We stopped at Costco first and ate lunch and then we watched the surfers at the North Shore. Then we started the drive. It was very pretty but boring as heck. We saw some cool waterfalls and things on the way. Then we went to the hike to the 7 Sacred Pools. We got there and read the sign wrong and went on a different trail. It was supposed to be a 1/2 mile and we realized it was the wrong trail after about 1 mile and 1/2. It was late when we started so it was getting darker the whole time. We went through a sweet bamboo forest for about a 1/3 of it. We got to the water fall at the top and swam in it. On the way down it was pitch black. Probably the darkest hike I have ever done. In the bamboo forest when the sun is out it is way dark, so when the sun wasn't out and we were in the bamboo forest I could barely see where I was walking. We made it down and drove the long road home and went to bed.

Hawaii Day 4

Today we learned how to surf. It was very hard but fun also. I think that it is a lot of work for not very much time of actually riding a wave. I would choose to snowboard, longboard, or skateboard over surfing without hesitation. It was still very fun though.

Hawaii Day 3

Today we went to costco and ate lunch and bought tons of groceries. Then we just hung around our condo. We went to the beach at our condo and swam a little. We went for a little hike to a blowhole and that was very fun. We watched a lot of basketball.

Hawaii Day 2

Today we all slept in a long time because of the different time change. When we woke up we went down to the beach and hot tub and pool. We then went to a store to rent snorkeling gear for the week. We also rented 2 surfboards and a boogi board. We went back and ate lunch. We then went to Black Rock beach to snorkel. We stayed there for about 3 hours and jumped off the rocks and things. Then we went home and went to sleep, after watching a lot of march madness basketball.

Hawaii Day 1

This day was a very very long boring day. We woke up at 5 and drove to Vegas to catch a plane. We caught the plane at 12 and flew to Los Angeles. We stayed in that airport forever and caught the 6 PM plane to Hawaii. We arrived at 9 Hawaii time, 1AM in Utah. We then had an hour drive to our condo and I finally went to bed.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Wilt Chamberlain

Wilt Chamberlain
By Truman Robbins
Wilt Norman Chamberlain was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He had nine people in his family. In his young years he wasn’t interested in basketball, he was interested in track and other sports. He was very good at track. Basketball was cool in Philadelphia so he eventually turned to the sport.
          He was 6 feet 11 inches going into high school. In high school he played for the Overbrook Panthers. He had a very big advantage over most of the kids because he was so tall.
          In college he went to and played for KU. He played until his junior year and was mad about his junior year so he didn’t play his senior year. The NBA at the time didn’t allow players who didn’t play four years in high school so he joined the Harlem Globetrotters.
          He then joined the NBA and he played for the Warriors. It was originally in Philadelphia and then they changed to San Francisco. He played there 1959-1965. He then played for the Philadelphia Sixers 1965-1968.  He then played for the Los Angeles Lakers 1968-1973. He gained a few NBA records in his year including a scoring champion, and all time top rebounder.
          He signed a coaching job with the San Diego Conquistadors after his NBA career. Wilt Chamberlain died October 12, 1999 from congestive heart failure. Wilt Chamberlain was a big legend.

Friday, February 18, 2011

History of Snowboarding

Snowboarding began when an engineer from Muskegon, Michigan, named Sherman Poppen, invented a toy for his daugther. He tied to skis together and attached a rope to the end so she would have control. This beought the idea of the "Snurfer". He manufactured the idea and sold about a million snurfers over the next decade.

He started snurfing competitions and attracted enthusiasts from all over the country. One of these was Tom Sims. He was a devotee of skateboarding. He crafted a snowboard in 8th grade and got the idea. He started making commercial snowboards in the 70's and started the idea.

Around this same time Jake Burton Carpenter impressed a crowd at a snurfing competition by making his own binding that attached his feet to his board. That same year he founded Burton Snowboards. He did not sell very many snowboards until later on. People thought that they were too expenisive at $38.

During the 1970s and 1980s as snowboarding became more popular. Creators came up with new mechanisms and designs that turned into todays snowboards.

In 1982 the first National Snowboard race was held near Woodstock, Vermont, at Suicide Six.

In 1983 the first World Championship halfpipe competition was held at Soda Springs, California. Tom Sims organized it.

Today Snowboarding has become very popular and their are many tournaments all over the world. Snowboarding is an olympic sport and also is in the X-games. Terrain parks are a huge hit for snowboarding and there are terrain parks in many of the alpine ski resorts now.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is Blogging Journalism?

I disagree with this article. I think that blogging definitely can be a part of journalism. Blogging is a great way to learn about journalism. It starts you off on how to do journalism. You express your opinions and feelings while you are blogging and it can teach you how to write articles and things like in a newspaper.

You can cover important articles and ideas on your blogs. It is practically the exactsame thing as being a writer for a newspaper. It just isn't as public and not as many people share their views and ideas on it. People say that it isn't a part of journalism, but I believe that it is. It can help you a lot and peole have a lot of things to say and they can say it on their blog.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Shaun White

 Shaun White was born September 3, 1986, in San Diego, California. Shaun White had 2 open heart surgeries before the age of 1. He grew up in a family of 5 people: Mom, dad, brother, sister. He started skiing at 4 years old.

At 6 years old his mom made an attempt to put him on a snowboard so he would slow down, but this made him only want to go faster. His mom told him to do what his brother did on a snowboard and he became better and faster.

At age 7 he entered his first competition and took first place. He placed just outside of 10th in the nation. His mom sent homemade videos to Burton. They were impressed and offered him a sponsorship deal atage 7. With the support of Burton, he became pro at age 13.

He became a pro skateboarder at the age of 17. In 2003 he became the first athlete ever to compete and medal in both the Summer and Winter X Games in two different sports.In 2007 he won the overall title and prestigious honor of Action Sports Tour Champion thanks to his impressive skills in skateboarding vert.

Between skateboarding and snowboarding Shaun now holds 16 X Games medals, and a record 10 of them are gold. He has won 2 gold medals. One gold medal in the 2006 winter olympics. And another inthe 2010 winter olympics.