Friday, April 29, 2011

500 Word Response

Interpretation of Humpty Dumpty:
Nursery Rhyme / Fairy Tale - Humpty Dumpty Fell off a wall.
Written By : Truman Robbins
Today’s Date : April Twenty - Eighth of the year of two thousand and eleven.
Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty fell off of a wall ,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall ,
All of the king’s horses and all of the king’s men ,
Could not put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
Story : He was running faster than he had ever run in his whole entire life. How could he be so stupid!? “Gosh dang it!” Humpty Dumpty said, gasping for air because he was running so hard. He had totally forgotten that there was an alarm on the building. He thought he had remembered every litte thing about the sotre he was breaking in to. He had gone over every tiny detail and had studies this for weeks. This plan took him so very long to make and come up with. He had spent so much time worrying about the small details that really wouldn’t have mattered instead of worrying about the important things. He had forgot the biggest most important detail there was, the alarm that went off.
                The plan that he had made for months was to break into the market owned by the richest family in the town. He was trying to steal the best salt and pepper in the world. If he could just have that salt and pepper he could be the best looking egg in the whole entire world. It was the fanciest salt and pepper ever made . If he could put that on himself he would be known forever and ever as the best looking  egg in history.
                Anyways, back to the present. Humpty Dumpty was cutting every corner he knew. He was going through every back door alleyway and every hidden place he knew of to get these gosh dang cops off of his back. He couldn’t lose them! There had to be at least six seven or eight on his tail. What was he going to do? He had never been in this much trouble in his whole entire life, this was not a very good situation. He had not ever think of coming up with an escape plan because he was sure he was going to get  the salt and pepper and get out of there with no trouble at all.
                He almost has run down every alleyway in the whole town, he was almost to the very edge of the town when he came upon a huge red brick wall. How was he going to get over it? “Pipes!” He yelled, There were pipes on the side of the brick wall. He started climbing up the brick wall. This was a hard climb. He finally got to the very top of the wall. He looked over the other side. Whoa! It was a 100 foot drop to the ground! Had he really climbed that long? He had no other chance but to jump. He could be in prison for life, or suicide. He chose suicide. “I’m taking the Salt and Pepper with me, if I can’t have it, nobody can!” He yelled in an evil voice. “ See you in hell suckers!” He screamed. And jumped. The police tried to put him back together but they couldn’t, they couldn’t put the salt and pepper back together either. It was over.

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