Thursday, April 7, 2011

Name: T – Dog
Title of Article – Doubts Rasied on Book’s Tale of the Atom Bomb
Author – Unknown
Date – Unknown
This article about the nuclear atom bomb is about a book that was written about the atom bomb and the day that it was dropped on Hiroshima.  The book  is called “The Last Train from Hiroshima”. It was published in January by Henry Holt. In the article it talks about how the person that wrote the back, Henry Holt, interviewed a person named Joseph Fuoco. In the book Joseph Fuoco was described as and said that he was a last minute substitute on one of the two observation planes that escorted the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the bomb. The two observation planes were supposed to record and take pictures of the bomb being dropped on Hiroshima and record the effects that the bomb had on Hiroshima. However, people are saying that Joseph Fuoco was an impostor and he wasn’t really on the plane.  There is a lot of evidence from the Corliss family and the person who was really on the plane.
                I think that it is interesting that he would say that he was on the plane when the really wasn’t. I think that he should fix his errors and admit to it and apologize so that he doesn’t mess up history. That is a very dumb thing to do.

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