Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Name: T-Dog
Title: None
Author of article: Unknown
Author of Picture: Umida Akhmedova

                This article is about a photographer and publisher and documentary filmmaker named Umida Akhmedova. She was found guilty on Wednesday for insulting the Uzbek people by publishing a photo. The photo was of a boy laying on the ground in a house that was under fixing and improvement. She got charged by the government. The government said that she was making their country look bad and that it shows the bad parts of the country.
Her charges were waved and she did not get into trouble, but she may not be able to write for and do things in Uzbekistan.
I think it is very interesting that the people of Uzbek got offended by this. I think that it is retarded that they were mad and that the photographer got in trouble for taking the picture. I really dis agree with how they got mad at her and pressed charges and things like that. They should not have done that. I think that photographers and people should have the ability to write what they want and take pictures and say what they want. Uzbekistan should be like the U.S and they should have freedom of speech.

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